February 5, 2016 @ 9:15 am – 1:45 pm
Cardinia Cultural Centre
40 Lakeside Blvd
Pakenham VIC 3810
40 Lakeside Blvd
Pakenham VIC 3810
Understanding the Western Port Environment
Melbourne Water, in partnership with other government agencies and leading environmental scientists, have been undertaking a range of strategic research projects to improve our knowledge and management of the Western Port marine and coastal environment. These projects build on the high priority research areas identified in the 2012 ‘Understanding the Western Port Environment’ review. This seminar is an excellent opportunity to hear about the latest scientific findings on this unique environment.
REGISTRATION on the day 8.45 – 9.10 am.
A program will be sent to you closer the event.
Please advise us of any dietary requirements for catering purposes by emailingWesternPortReview@melbournewater.com.au
Speakers and topics
- Dr Perran Cook, Monash University, Seagrass protection and recovery
- Dr Scott Wilkinson, CSIRO, Sediment: Inputs, interactions and remote sensing
- Dr Jackie Myers, CAPIM, Potential impact of toxicants on the health of Western Port
- Thomas Hurst, Melbourne Water, Mangrove research in Western Port
- Dr Kathryn Hassell, CAPIM, Assessment of fish health in Western Port
- Professor Greg Jenkins, University of Melbourne, Recreational fishing and fish biodiversity in Western Port
- Dr Richard Loyn, Eco Insights, Waterbirds: 40 years of community monitoring and climatic flux
- Dr Rhys Coleman, Melbourne Water, Research and management of Western Port