21 Main Rd
Dieback in Dandenongs forests and gardens
A presentation by Forest Pathologist
Ian Smith on dieback in the
Dandenongs and how to cope with it
Thursday 2 September, 7.30 – 9 pm
Monbulk Living and Learning Centre,
21 Main Rd, Monbulk
Ian has over 40 years’ experience in the field of
forest pathology research in Victoria investigating
diseases that threaten plantations, nurseries,
forests and gardens.
In this talk Ian will discuss his experience with the
complex factors involved with dieback and their
potential involvement in the dieback of Mountain
Ash in the Dandenong Ranges. In particular he
will talk about two significant diseases (Armillaria
and Phytophthora), currently causing tree disease
in native forests and home gardens, and their
potential interaction with crown loss. He will
discuss the disease triangle and how this
conceptual model helps in the development of
potential control measures.
Dr Alex Maisey will introduce the
presentation and briefly describe the
Volunteer Innovation Project, of which this
presentation is a part
Due to Covid-19 restrictions, attendees will
be limited. Please RSVP to Bill Incoll,
bincoll@melbpc.org.au to secure a place