34 Burtonwood Rd
Great Sankey, Warrington, Warrington WA5 3AJ
Raising money to help a group of East Timorese young people complete their education This event is organised by staff, parents and students of St Paul’s Anglican Grammar School
When: Sunday 15 NOVEMBER 2015
Where: A number of gardens in the Neerim South area
Starting at: 34 Burtonwood Court, Neerim South 1 pm (a map will be supplied with directions to the other gardens)
Cost: Adults $20 Students $10 Children under 12 free (This includes a yummy afternoon tea with Timorese coffee)
Please let one of the following people know if you can come so arrangements can be made for the catering….
- Linda Myers : lmyers@dcsi.net.au 0417116420
- Rose Attwood: rose.attwood@hazcon.com.au 0408409082
- Beth Sibson: wgsibson@dcsi.net.au 0488268304
- Andrea Heard: aaheard@stpaulsags.vic.edu.au 0419401255
- Marilyn Davidson: marilynd269@gmail.com 0438223288
The money raised at this event will go toward helping the seven boys from the village of Ponilala who St Paul’s has been supporting for the last three years. All except one are now doing tertiary studies and have achieved very pleasing results. They are all working very hard to make the most of their opportunities and to forge a positive future for themselves and their country. In June a group of St Paul’s students visited East Timor and had a great time meeting the boys.